With ottonova your health is in the best hands.

Your health is important to us. That's why our high-performance Study tariffs offer you accommodation in a double room, treatment by the chief physician and other top benefits.

With ottonova your health is in the best hands.

Your health is important to us. That's why our high-performance Study tariffs offer you accommodation in a double room, treatment by the chief physician and other top benefits.

€0 deductible
€500 deductible
€0 deductible


Outpatient medical treatment
Direct access to specialist care Primary physician principle 100% reimbursement with referral by primary physician or use of the ottonova Concierge-Service – otherwise 80% Primary physician principle 100% reimbursement with referral by primary physician or use of the ottonova Concierge-Service – otherwise 80% Primary physician principle 100% reimbursement with referral by primary physician or use of the ottonova Concierge-Service – otherwise 80%
Doctors’ fees up to 3.5-fold up to 5.0-fold up to 5.0-fold
Dressings and medication Primary physician principle100% reimbursement with referral by primary physician or use of the ottonova Concierge-Service – otherwise 80% Primary physician principle 100% reimbursement with referral by primary physician or use of the ottonova Concierge-Service – otherwise 80% Primary physician principle 100% reimbursement with referral by primary physician or use of the ottonova Concierge-Service – otherwise 80%
Outpatient transportation costs rescue costs up to €2,500 rescue costs up to €2,500 rescue costs up to €2,500
Vision (e.g. glasses, contact lenses) up to €100 every 60 months up to €550 every 36 months up to €550 every 36 months
General reimbursement for medical devices (i. e. hearing aids, wheelchairs) Up to €500 for medical aids
100% with permission above €500, otherwise 60%

Hearing aids: up to €1,500 per hearing aid once per contract period, with BAHA (hearing aid implant) up to €4,000 per hearing aid.
Shoe inserts: 2 pairs every 36 months.
Custom orthopedic shoes: 4 pairs every 36 months, minus €100 per pair
Up to €500 for medical aids
100% with permission above €500, otherwise 60%

Hearing aids: up to €1,500 per hearing aid once per contract period, with BAHA (hearing aid implant) up to €4,000 per hearing aid.
Shoe inserts: 2 pairs every 36 months.
Custom orthopedic shoes: 4 pairs every 36 months, minus €100 per pair
Up to €500 for medical aids
100% with permission above €500, otherwise 60%

Hearing aids: up to €1,500 per hearing aid once per contract period, with BAHA (hearing aid implant) up to €4,000 per hearing aid.
Shoe inserts: 2 pairs every 36 months.
Custom orthopedic shoes: 4 pairs every 36 months, minus €100 per pair
(i.e. Massages, occupational therapy, physiotherapy)
80% up to €2,000,
from €2,000 100% every insurance year
80% up to €2,000,
from €2,000 100% every insurance year
80% up to €2,000,
from €2,000 100% every insurance year
Alternative practitioner up to €2,000 every 36 months combined with 'osteopathic services' up to €2,000 every 36 months combined with 'osteopathic services'
Osteopathic services provided by non-medical practitioners up to €2,000 every 36 months combined with 'alternative practitioner' up to €2,000 every 36 months combined with 'alternative practitioner'
Alternative medicine by physicians Primary physician principle100% reimbursement with referral by primary physician or use of the ottonova Concierge-Service – otherwise 80% Primary physician principle100% reimbursement with referral by primary physician or use of the ottonova Concierge-Service – otherwise 80% Primary physician principle100% reimbursement with referral by primary physician or use of the ottonova Concierge-Service – otherwise 80%
Psychotherapy reimbursement per session for session 1-25, 50% reimbursement per session after 25 sessions reimbursement per session for session 1-25, 80% reimbursement per session after 25 sessions reimbursement per session for session 1-25, 80% reimbursement per session after 25 sessions
Preventive medical checkups without age limit
Preventative vaccinations for foreign travel except for travel vaccinations except for travel vaccinations except for travel vaccinations
Prenatal classes, pregnancy and postnatal exercises 80% up to €2,000,
from €2,000 100% every insurance year in connection with other natural healing methods
80% up to €2,000,
from €2,000 100% every insurance year in connection with other natural healing methods
80% up to €2,000,
from €2,000 100% every insurance year in connection with other natural healing methods
Birthing centers


Treating physician Free choice of physician(including chief physician) Free choice of physician(including chief physician) Free choice of physician(including chief physician)
Better accommodation double room double room double room
Inpatient services above the maximum rate (3.5 times) up to 3.5-fold up to 5.0-fold up to 5.0-fold
Private clinic up to 150% in accordance with the Hospital Remuneration Act (Krankenhausentgeldgesetz) or Federal Hospital Rate Regulation (Bundespflegesatzverordnung), €150 personal cost per day up to 150% in accordance with the Hospital Remuneration Act (Krankenhausentgeldgesetz) or Federal Hospital Rate Regulation (Bundespflegesatzverordnung), €150 personal cost per day up to 150% in accordance with the Hospital Remuneration Act (Krankenhausentgeldgesetz) or Federal Hospital Rate Regulation (Bundespflegesatzverordnung), €150 personal cost per day
Replacement daily hospital benefits €60 in the event of renunciation of private medical services

€20 in the event of renunciation of accommodation in a double room
€60 in the event of renunciation of private medical services

€20 in the event of renunciation of accommodation in a double room
€60 in the event of renunciation of private medical services

€20 in the event of renunciation of accommodation in a double room
Acute in-patient psychotherapy without required pre-approval (Except for 'mixed hospital institutions') (Except for 'mixed hospital institutions') (Except for 'mixed hospital institutions')
Stationary transport costs
Treatments in mixed hospitals without prior approval (Except for psychological treatment) (Except for psychological treatment) (Except for psychological treatment)


Dental treatment 100% 100% 100%
Dental prostheses (including inlays and implants) 70% 80% 80%
Fee rates for dental services up to 3.5-fold up to 3.5-fold up to 3.5-fold
Professional dental cleaning 1x each insurance year, maximum of €80 per treatment. 1x each insurance year, maximum of €125 per treatment. 1x each insurance year, maximum of €125 per treatment.
Orthodontia up to 100%before the insured person turns 18 and for KIG 3 (reimbursement of 20% personal cost after the successful completion of the treatment) up to 100%before the insured person turns 21 (reimbursement of 20% personal cost after the successful completion of the treatment), subsequently up to 80% up to 100%before the insured person turns 21 (reimbursement of 20% personal cost after the successful completion of the treatment), subsequently up to 80%
Dental levels - Limitation for prostheses and dentures Before the 12th month of insurance: €500
Before the 24th month of insurance: €1,000
Before the 36th month of insurance: €1,500

does not apply to prophylaxis, professional dental cleaning and in the event of an accident
Before the 12th month of insurance: €500
Before the 24th month of insurance: €1,000
Before the 36th month of insurance: €2,000

does not apply to dental treatment, prophylaxis, professional dental cleaning and in the event of an accident
Before the 12th month of insurance: €500
Before the 24th month of insurance: €1,000
Before the 36th month of insurance: €2,000

does not apply to dental treatment, prophylaxis, professional dental cleaning and in the event of an accident
Reimbursement for healing and cost planning
Dental technical services and coverage

Additional Full-Insurance Subjects

Follow-up treatment (outpatient + inpatient)
Additional rehabilitation measures (incl. outpatient + inpatient therapies) up to €1,500 within 36 months (no withdrawal treatments) up to €1,500 within 36 months (no withdrawal treatments) up to €1,500 within 36 months (no withdrawal treatments)
Insurance protection for travel within the European Economic Area (EAA) 6 months at no extra charge
(extension with country-specific premium supplement possible)
6 months at no extra charge
(extension with country-specific premium supplement possible)
6 months at no extra charge
(extension with country-specific premium supplement possible)
Insurance protection for travel outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) unlimited cover according to German medical fee schedule (German GOÄ) unlimited cover according to German medical fee schedule (German GOÄ) unlimited cover according to German medical fee schedule (German GOÄ)
Repatriation Organised by ottonova Organised by ottonova Organised by ottonova
Deductible (not applicable for inpatient treatments, preventative medical checkups and professional dental cleanings) €0 €500 €0
Digital Health Applications Reimbursement up to the amount also paid by the GKV Reimbursement up to the amount also paid by the GKV Reimbursement up to the amount also paid by the GKV
After the studies (continuation)
This is a summary of the coverage details with maximum rates and reductions. Please note that this table is not conclusive. You will find all tariff-details such as the concrete requirements and limitations for the reimbursement in the tariff and insurance conditions of the respective tariff.

The English translation is a non-binding version for your information only and has no legally binding character. The contract language will be German only. The terms and conditions of the individual insurance contract shall prevail and apply.

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