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Experience your health *

Become an ottonova insider and help shape the health insurance of the future with health X, the innovative reward program for ottonova customers.

We will reward your participation with an allowance per survey to use for:

  • Gyms
  • Health apps
  • Wearables
  • Yoga
  • Nutrition classes
How it works
* health X is an offer of ottonova services GmbH. Further information in the sense of § 5 TMG can be found in our imprint and our privacy policy..

Here is how it works

Help us to make ottonova even better in the future and get exclusive benefits.

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Share your insights with ottonova

You will become an ottonova insider when you join health X. We will ask you for your feedback and suggestions on how we can improve, to make the insurance of the future even better. To do so, we invite you to participate in surveys.

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Collect valuable rewards

Your active participation will let you gradually build up funds that you can use for selected services to support your healthy lifestyle. Submit your bills via the app and get reimbursed up to the amount of the money you have saved up.

Your advantages

You know best what is good for you and your health. You can use the money you have earned for selected products and services. You can find inspiration here.

Couple eating Blender

health X turns you into a nutrition expert.

Do you value a health-conscious and balanced diet? Do you rely on a healthy lifestyle to improve your wellbeing? Thanks to health X, you can choose whether you want to use your funds for cooking classes with qualified nutritionists, superfood subscriptions, or innovative health apps for weight loss.

Get inspired
Move your body Watch

health X takes you to your next level.

You're looking for a challenge in sports and want to reach your next fitness level? health X supports you in your athletic goals - here you'll find recommendations for smart health apps, smartwatches, on-site coaching or memberships in quality-approved fitness studios.

Get inspired
Health X Mind Apple Airpods

health X makes you mentally fit.

Not only physical but also mental training is important for you to stay healthy? Do you want to learn how to build a strong mindset? With health X, you decide which apps and courses will help you train your mental strength step by step and increase your personal well-being.

Get inspired

Be one of the early adopters and secure a spot in health X.

As a participant in the reward program, you will receive €5 for each completed survey. You can use that money for selected services to support your healthy lifestyle. To participate in health X, you must hold comprehensive health insurance or supplementary insurance from ottonova. Are you already an ottonova customer? Then you can easily register for health X via the ottonova app. You can also ask the Concierge for further details. Not an ottonova customer yet?


Frequently asked questions

health X is a platform by ottonova services GmbH that will help shape the digital private health insurance of the future. Through your active participation in surveys, such as online surveys, interviews, and product tests, your specific wishes and needs will contribute to the development of products and services. You will thus help ottonova to improve services and develop innovative products. This way, ottonova will be able to gradually improve their customer experience.

You will be rewarded for your commitment with support for your healthy lifestyle. With health X, you will benefit from targeted offers from our health programs Eat, Move, and Mind. To inspire you, we recommend innovative health apps, online classes, wearables, and much more. Learn more about your health – in keeping with the motto "experience your health".

You can participate in the program at any time, right from the start of your ottonova comprehensive or supplementary health insurance, via the easy and convenient ottonova app.

To take part, you must be a policyholder of a comprehensive health insurance or a supplementary health insurance policy from ottonova Krankenversicherung AG, and be at least 18 years old.

In order to receive your rewards, you need to register for health X via the ottonova app and participate in our surveys on service and product-related topics. These might include online surveys, interviews, and product tests that ottonova makes available to program participants individually via email or the ottonova app.

You get rewarded with money that you can save up little by little in the course of a calendar year. Upload your proof of expenses for selected health-related services to your ottonova app to get access to this money by December 31 of the respective calendar year. The total money you receive depends on the number of participants in our surveys, and on their scope.

You will receive between €5 for each completed survey. You will be informed of the amount of the reward in the invitation to participate in the survey.

You will receive your reward by January 31 of the following year in the form of a reimbursement of verified costs for the selected health-related services, up to the amount of the money you have saved up. The amount will be paid into your account. You simply need to upload your proof of expenses (e.g. membership contracts, certificates from the service provider) to the ottonova app using the photo upload feature.

Do not worry! Needless to say, we protect your personal data and therefore you yourself, too. We only process your data in accordance with our data protection policy.

Your entitlement to the reward will normally lapse if you do not claim your funds by December 31 of the same year by uploading your proofs of expenses.

You may unsubscribe from our health X program at any time, free of charge. There is no notice period.

You can find further details and conditions for participation in health X, in particular participation requirements, in the Terms and Conditions. You can find more information about ottonova in our Legal Notice.