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Moving abroad can be challenging. Let us make it easy for you: Get to know the German healthcare system and find out how you can make the most of your time as an expat in Germany.

Expat Wiki

New to Germany and trying to find out how health insurance works? Having questions? Here are the answers.

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Tax return private health insurance

Is private health insurance tax deductible?

If you've recently switched to private health insurance or plan to, you may be wondering whether you can deduct the costs from your taxes. We explain how you can declare the private health insurance in your tax return so that you also save money.

Deduct medical expenses from your taxes

Deduct medical expenses from your taxes: This is how it works

Medical expenses can be expensive. What you can deduct from your taxes and where you can claim medical expenses on your tax return

Ceramic fillings for teeth

Ceramic fillings for teeth

Caries is a widespread disease: according to a study by the University of Greifswald, about 99 percent of adults in Germany have decayed and/or filled teeth. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the well-known ceramic fillings that are often used for cavities?

Detect diseases via app

Detecting diseases via app: How does it work?

We have summarized here which apps can detect diseases and what the advantages and disadvantages of "Dr. Smartphone" are.

Private health insurance & pharmaceuticals: Strong team for innovation

Door opener: private health insurance makes pharmaceuticals available faster

According to studies, private health insurance promotes pharmaceuticals more than public health insurance - find out why everyone benefits in the end.

Family insurance income limit

Family insurance: Where is the income limit?

You can save costs with family insurance. Is your child or partner currently over the income limit?

Dentures: costs, types & options at a glance

Dental prostheses: costs, types & options at a glance

Dental prosthesis is a collective term for all artificially produced types of replacement for missing teeth. You will learn the advantages and disadvantages, costs and possibilities in this article.

age of entry health insurance

What influences the age of entry?

Here you can find out why your entry age plays a role when closing a contract with private health insurance.

supplementary dental insurance

Supplementary dental insurance? Yes or No?

If you’re asking yourself whether supplementary dental insurance would be a good idea, we’ve got a few ideas that could help you decide. We’ll tell you what costs you might face and what services you can expect.

Private supplementary insurance

Private supplementary insurance

People with public health insurance can take out various supplementary insurance policies to top up the benefits of their public insurance. What are the benefits and how much does it cost?


Deductibles in private health insurance

Excess, co-payment, and contribution – in health insurance, there’s lot of different ways to describe the concept of a deductible. What it exactly means for you and your wallet.

risk surcharge

Private health insurance risk surcharges

In order to avoid placing a disproportionate burden on the insurance collective, private health insurance providers use a risk surcharge. In this article, we’ll explain how it’s calculated and why it’s so important.

Hospitalization costs

Hospitalization: How much does it cost?

Many people are justifiably concerned about shortages of beds. But how much does a hospital stay actually cost? In this article, we’ll look at how much patients have to contribute towards the total costs.

Private health insurance for women

Private health insurance for women

As a women, you can benefit from private health insurance (private Krankenversicherung – PKV) every bit as much as men. In this article, we’ll look at what you can expect from private health insurance, and important things to bear in mind in relation to family planning.

5 pro tips to learn German easier

5 pro tips to learn German easier

Yep, German is not the most easiest language to learn: But here are 5 pro tips to make it a little bit easier.

Alter Mann

Premium relief at ottonova

For number crunchers and all those who want to make relaxed provisions for when they get older - the premium relief component explained in an understandable way

Health care system UK

Health care system UK vs. Germany: differences and limitations

Health care system UK vs. Germany: differences and limitations


What the Brexit means for policyholders

What will change as a result of Brexit for people with private health insurance, people moving to the UK and also for Britons who want to come to Germany or already live here?