More than 40% of Germans avoid preventive health care. But these examinations make a lot of sense! We explain which treatments are worthwhile at what age and what distinguishes preventive examinations in private health insurance from public treatments.
Reviewedby our insurance experts
The benefits of private health insurance briefly
In private health insurance, insured persons receive comprehensive benefits that exceed the basic benefits in public health insurance benefits catalog.
The most important benefits in private health insurance include:
Reimbursement for more treatment methods compared to Public Health Insurance including 100% reimbursement for outpatient physician treatment, direct specialist treatment, access to private practices and clinics.
Reimbursement for alternative treatment methods
Reimbursement of medicines (also medicines without prescription)
100% reimbursement of remedies (massages, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, …) and aids (hearing aids, prostheses, wheelchairs, ...) as well as partial reimbursement of visual aids (glasses, contact lenses, ...)
Coverage of dental treatment, professional teeth cleaning, dentures, misaligned teeth, and orthodontics for children
Reimbursement of services during pregnancy
Insurance coverage also abroad
What benefits does ottonova's private health insurance include? All information about our private health insurance and our different tariffs - find out now!
Public vs. privately insured: Here's how preventive checkups differ
Although every insured person has a right to certain free preventive services from their health insurer, over 40% of Germans in public health insurance going to the doctor for checkups. This was the finding of a 2018 survey by the market research institute GfK. The preventive examinations perceived so sparsely differ by gender, by different age groups and by whether the patient has public or private insurance.
Public care preventive checkups: these services are part of the program
The costs for many examinations are borne by the public health insurance funds. But other than private health insurances they have age restrictions. These services are:
Cancer screening, such as examinations to prevent various types of cancer, such as cervical cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer or colon cancer
Cardiovascular checks, such as measuring blood pressure or checking cholesterol levels
Preventive dental care, such as plaque and tartar removal
Preventive care during pregnancy, such as ultrasound diagnostics, blood tests for infections and HIV, or the detection and monitoring of high-risk pregnancies
Vaccinations, such as protective and regular vaccinations, basic vaccinations for children and booster vaccinations
Preventive examinations for children and adolescents, such as the so-called U and J examinations of posture and motor skills, heart and lungs, hip ultrasounds
Preventive medical checkup in private health insurance: What privately insured persons can expect
Private health insurers are also guided by the above-mentioned framework program. Their range of preventive and treatment services depends on the chosen tariff but is usually much broader.
These examinations are often additionally reimbursed by private health insurers:
Early detection of cancer: PSA test for early detection of prostate cancer; HPV test for early detection of cervical cancer.
Cardiovascular checks: Blood tests for early detection of high blood pressure, circulatory diseases, and metabolic disorders; Ultrasonography of the great vessels (head, neck, abdomen, legs); echocardiography
Dental care: professional teeth cleaning
Other private preventive services: Glaucoma screening (glaucoma); test of hormone levels/testosterone levels; breath test to detect Helicobacter infections in digestive disorders.
Private patients also have advantages in terms of flexibility: they can often have their health checked regardless of their age and have the option of including alternative treatment methods in the range of services covered by their tariff - such as naturopathic treatments.
Unlike the public health insurance, ottonova reimburses most preventive examinations regardless of age or earlier.
The situation is different for patients with public health insurance: If they want to take advantage of special additional treatments for preventive care, things can get pretty unpleasant. As soon as so-called "IGeL" services are involved, patients with public health insurance are asked to pay.
Preventive care: What is an IGeL service?
We are not dealing with a prickly insectivore here. Individual health services - IGeL for short - are treatments that are not covered by public health insurance. As a result, people with public health insurance must pay for them out-of-pocket. And they pay a lot for the comprehensive preventive examinations: Every year, people with public health insurance pay around 1 billion euros for IGeL. Experts have been arguing vociferously for years about the benefits of these examinations - they could lead to unnecessary interventions; the consumer groups complain. The IGeL services are a sensible addition to the range of services offered by public health insurers, countered the German doctors' associations.
For privately insured patients, many benefits, and services that legally insured patients must pay for themselves are a matter of course anyway. However, the reimbursement and scope of preventive services depends on the individual insurance contract.
Our IGeL tips for privately insured persons:
Before you choose a private health insurance plan, consider which preventive examinations make sense for you. Have you had any previous illnesses? Does your family tend to have certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or colon cancer? Voilà, you should include these preliminary examinations with the corresponding services in your private health insurance tariff.
You would like to have a check-up, but you are not sure which preventive examinations are covered by your private health insurance? Use the ottonova advantage and just ask: Our concierge service makes it easy!
Checklist: Which checkups you need at which age
You may not have to worry about glaucoma or diabetes when you're 20, and no one is likely to recommend a rubella vaccination when you're 40. Check-ups for early detection of diseases are related to the age at which the probability of certain diseases statistically increases.
Find out when which check-ups is recommended and what exactly is examined in our checklist.
You can of course get a disease earlier than it on average statistically appears first. That’s why ottonova doesn’t have age restrictions when it comes to preventative check-ups!
Espen Markus MjøsHealth insurance expert
Preventive medical checkups
0 to 18 years
Regular vaccinations for children (e.g. against diphtheria, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, tetanus, measles, rubella)
Vaccinations of the service catalog as well as booster vaccinations
Preventive dental check-ups for children between the ages of 6 and 18 three times a year, and twice a year from the age of 18. For adults, plaque and tartar is removed, and the dentition is checked for periodontitis.
20 to 35 years
Prevention from 20
From the age of 20, women should have an annual check-up with a gynecologist: here they are tested for the first signs of cervical cancer.
Prevention from 30
Women over 30 should also have an annual breast exam with their gynecologist to keep their risk of breast cancer in check.
Every 5 years, women can have an HPV test for early detection of cervical cancer - during the exam, a swab is taken and tested in the lab for HR viruses (private screening benefit).
Patients at risk of stroke now have the option of having the direction and speed of the blood measured by means of Doppler sonography of the large vessels (head, neck, abdomen, legs). This enables the doctor to detect narrowing and occlusion (private preventive service).
35 to 45 years
Prevention from 35
From the age of 35, publicly insured patients are entitled to the so-called “Check-up 35”. This examination checks for precursors of cardiovascular diseases such as elevated cholesterol or blood pressure levels. Patients are also tested for autoimmune diseases (rheumatism, Crohn's disease) and metabolic disorders (diabetes, thyroid problems). As a private patient you can have that check too but even earlier.
To detect the first signs of skin cancer, skin screening is recommended for men and women over 35.
Public health insurance doesn’t cover prostate checks that early (from 45) but private health insurance does. Do not wait until 45!
Prevention from 40
With the help of glaucoma screening, the first signs of glaucoma can be identified. This involves measuring intraocular pressure and performing an ophthalmoscopy (private screening service).
If required, men can now have their hormone levels and testosterone levels determined with a blood test (private preventive service).
From the age of 45
Prevention from 45
Men should have a screening examination for prostate cancer at this age. Here, the doctor palpates the genitals and associated lymph nodes in the groin and the prostate from the rectum.
An alternative is the annual PSA test for the early detection of prostate cancer, a blood test in which the amount of "prostate-specific antigen is determined (private screening service).
Prevention from 50
Between the ages of 50 and 54, physicians recommend a colon and rectal examination for the early detection of colorectal cancer.
From 55, the doctor should perform a colonoscopy in men and women.
Women ages 50 to 69 can screen for breast cancer with a mammogram every two years for early detection.
Every two years, women can also take advantage of an ultrasound for early detection of breast cancer (private preventive service).
Prostate examinations and colonoscopies don't seem particularly pleasant at first glance, but they are the fountain of youth for your health. After all, in ten years' time you'll still want to be running dynamically past young joggers in the park - just like today. So, what are you waiting for? Go for a check-up and prevent diseases.
HIER SCHREIBTEspen Markus Mjøs
Espen Markus - originally from Norway - is sales agent in ottonova's English sales team. He's in contact with potential customers every day and answers Expats' questions about German health insurance.
HIER SCHREIBTottonova sales experts
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