How does International Health Insurance work: A quick guide

In today’s globalized world, many people find themselves living, working, or traveling abroad for extended periods. Whether you are an expatriate, a long-term traveler, or an international student, understanding how international health insurance works is crucial. This guide aims to demystify international health insurance, explaining its key features, benefits, and how to choose the right plan to ensure you have access to quality healthcare no matter where you are in the world.

What is International Health Insurance?

International health insurance is a specialized form of health coverage designed to meet the medical needs of individuals living or traveling outside their home country for extended periods. Unlike traditional domestic health insurance, which is limited to providing coverage within a specific country, international health insurance offers global protection, ensuring access to healthcare services across multiple countries.

Definition of International Health Insurance

International health insurance provides comprehensive medical coverage for individuals who spend significant time abroad. This includes expatriates, long-term travelers, international students, and employees on overseas assignments. The primary goal of international health insurance is to offer peace of mind by ensuring that policyholders can receive high-quality medical care regardless of their location.

Differences Between Domestic and International Health Insurance

The key difference between domestic and international health insurance lies in the scope of coverage. Domestic health insurance policies are designed to cover healthcare services within a specific country and often do not extend beyond its borders. In contrast, international health insurance policies are tailored to provide global coverage, which is essential for individuals who move frequently or reside in countries with varying healthcare systems.

Another significant difference is the range of services covered. International health insurance typically includes a broader spectrum of medical services, such as inpatient and outpatient care, emergency evacuation, dental care, maternity benefits, and sometimes even wellness programs. These plans are designed to address the unique challenges of accessing healthcare in different parts of the world, where medical standards and availability can vary widely.

Who Needs International Health Insurance?

International health insurance is particularly beneficial for:

These groups face unique healthcare challenges that domestic insurance cannot adequately address. International health insurance ensures they have continuous access to quality healthcare, regardless of their location.

Coverage Areas

International health insurance plans vary in terms of the geographical areas they cover. Some plans offer worldwide coverage, including the policyholder's home country, while others may exclude certain regions or countries. It is crucial for policyholders to understand the specific coverage areas of their plan to avoid unexpected gaps in coverage.

How to Choose the Right International Health Insurance Plan

Choosing the right international health insurance plan can be a daunting task, given the variety of options available and the complexity of the policies. However, with careful consideration and a methodical approach, you can select a plan that best suits your needs and provides the necessary coverage for you and your family while living or traveling abroad. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make an informed decision.

1. Assess Your Health Needs and Risks

The first step in choosing the right international health insurance plan is to evaluate your health needs and potential risks. Consider the following factors:

Understanding your health needs and risks will help you determine the level of coverage and specific benefits required in your international health insurance plan.

2. Understand the Terms and Conditions

Carefully review the terms and conditions of the plans you are considering. Pay attention to:

Understanding these details will help you avoid unexpected surprises and ensure that the plan meets your expectations.

4. Evaluate the Cost vs. Coverage Benefits

Cost is an important factor in choosing an international health insurance plan. While it might be tempting to select the cheapest option, it is crucial to balance cost with the benefits provided. Consider:

Opt for a plan that offers the best value for money by providing comprehensive coverage at a reasonable cost.

5. Consider Additional Benefits and Services

Some international health insurance plans offer additional benefits and services that can enhance your coverage experience, such as:

These additional features can provide extra peace of mind and convenience while living or traveling abroad.

Key benefits of ottonova insurance

At ottonova, we believe your health should always be well protected – which is why our special health insurance tariffs for expats in Germany offer worldwide coverage as standard. Our policies include straightforward healthcare coverage at transparent rates. With our private health insurance cover, you benefit from:


With our tariffs you have world-wide travel coverage. The Expat Tariff covers you up to two months annually outside the EU and in our Premium Economy-, Business- or First Class Tariffs you will be covered up to six months annually outside the EU.

If you move away from Germany, you will not need German health insurance anymore.

We can help you write your cancellation letter for your current insurer and send it to you by email. You simply need to add your insurance number and signature and then send it to your insurer. We are unfortunately not allowed to contact your current insurer directly.

Of course! Through our ottonova Concierge Service we can book appointments for you. You just easily write us a message with your requirements, and we will find the best option for you.

When taking out medical insurance for international travel, there are a few questions you should consider.

  • Coverage: Where are you going? Will you be traveling on a Schengen visa or do you need worldwide coverage? You should always check your provider does not have any hidden exceptions.
  • Scope: What medical expenses are covered? Does your policy guarantee a high standard of care? How high is the excess/deductible?
  • Getting home: If the worst happens and you need medical attention abroad, does your insurance include emergency repatriation? As you are probably well aware, not all insurance policies are equal; some travel health insurance policies are more comprehensive than others.

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German health insurance made simple.

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