Contributions to health insurance

When it comes to paying health insurance premiums, employees and their employers share the contribution in moat cases 50:50.

For more detailed information on how premiums are calculated, see our Wiki entry on contribution rates.

People in employment

By which we mean people who have an employer, i.e. not people who are self-employed (freelance) or business owners. As with many aspects of the German healthcare system, employer and employee contributions depend on whether the employee has public or private health insurance.


Public health insurance (GKV)

Premiums in the public (statutory) health insurance system are calculated using gross income. This means that the more you earn, the more you pay. In brief, the public contribution rates are:

In the public health insurance system, employers and employees split the costs. Based on an average surcharge of 2.50%, this means that the total sum of these three contributions is 20.2% of an employee’s gross salary (without children). However, this figure does not take any top-up insurances into account.


Private health insurance (PKV)

Unlike public insurance premiums, private health insurance premiums are contractually defined and are not subject to amendment by legislators.

Employers again contribute around 50% of health insurance costs up to the maximum amount they would contribute for an employee with public health insurance. Based premium assessment ceiling (BBG) and average surcharge, this means employers can contribute up to 1,174.16 per month for private health insurance and for long-term care insurance.


Self-employed people

People who are self-employed evidently do not have employers. However, the majority of health insurance, long-term care insurance and even income protection insurance premiums are tax-deductible for freelancers in Germany.


The long-term nursing care insurance 'Pflegepflichtversicherung' is a mandatory insurance for everyone who lives in Germany. This insurance will cover you if you require long-term care and need external help.

After your policy is finalized it will not be adjusted again based on the variables of aging, increases in health care needs or increases in salary.

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