Applying for German private health insurance
If you already have been insured in a German private or public health insurance and want to change your private health insurance provider or switch from public to private health insurance there is a regular notice period of two month to the end of the month after the minimum contract period.
It's recommended to begin the application process as early as possible because you have to do a risk assessment. Cancel your prior insurance only if your preferred new insurance accepted your request.
If you are applying for health insurance as part of your visa or residence permit requirements, it is essential that you do so well in advance.
Although there is no set deadline for this, applications can sometimes take weeks or even months to process – particularly if you have pre-existing conditions or require a medical check-up prior to acceptance if you haven't been insured with a German health insurance before. With ottonova the process is very fast though because the application process can be done entirely digitally.
Remember: Health insurance is mandatory for everyone living and working in Germany. If you do not have health insurance in place that meets the requirements of Section 257 of the German Social Code Book V (SGB V), your visa or residence permit application will be rejected.
Applying to stay privately insured (following a change in circumstances)
If you have private health insurance and your circumstances change, you may be required to switch to the public (statutory) insurance system – perhaps due to a change in income.
However, you can apply to your health insurance provider (Krankenkasse) for an exemption from this regulation. Section 8 of the German Social Code Book V (SGB V) sets out valid grounds for exemption, including:
- Falling into the statutory health insurance system due to a change in the annual pay threshold (Jahresarbeitsentgeltgrenze, or JAEG), currently set at €73,800 but probably rising each year.
- Fall in income due to reduced working hours to provide care for a relative
- Receipt of unemployment benefit (Arbeitslosengeld)
- Receipt of subsistence allowance (Unterhaltungsgeld)
The deadline for application to your health insurance provider is three months from the date on which you were required to enter the public insurance system.